Company today
NITA, LLC is one of the leading Russian companies in the field of research and development in civil and state aviation, the supplier of technical solutions for air traffic management system (ATM).
Successful cooperation with the leading aviation industry enterprises, modern technology utilization, integrated approach and 30 years experience enable us to handle tasks of any degree of complexity and to offer the best option for any customer.
Main lines of business:
• ATC centres equipping
• Supply of communication, navigation, surveillance (CNS) systems
• Designing aviation-related buildings and constructions
• Supply of simulators and training systems
• Production and construction of modular buildings
• Multi-purpose software development
Company History

Setting up New Information Technologies in Aviation, LLC.
Determination of key business line as information technology incorporation in ATC equipment
First product is manufactured, namely, individual simulator for approach controller

Developed and gone into serial production:
— NORD Data Display System,
— GRANIT Recorder,
— ALPHA Air Traffic Control System,
— EXPERT ATC Simulator.

The equipment is upgraded in 23 ATC centres and 26 airports.
Developed and gone into serial production by 2003:
— PLANETA Flight Data Processing System,
— LADOGA Data Distribution System,
— METRONOM Precise Timing System,
— Consoles of PULT-A Series,
— MEGAPHONE Voice Communication Switching System

ALPHA ATM Automation System for Magadan flight control centre is developed being the first Russian system of the kind.
EXPERT ATC Simulator is accepted.
AIR ENGLISH language training system is developed.
PULSAR-N Ground-Based VDL Mode 4 Station is certified.
Full-flight simulators for An-24 (26), Tu-154, Yak-40, Il-76 aircrafts are successfully upgraded.
FFS for Yak-18Т is developed and supplied to Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School.
KSRP-A ATC system for military aerodromes is approved to equip The Ministry of Defence.
Module of SEGMENT Series is developed for the purposes of small and flight test aerodromes and heliports equipping.
ATC Simulator in Ankara is upgraded.

Project department establishment: integrated designing, reconstruction and capital construction of aviation infrastructure objects of any complexity.
Federal Special-Purpose Program “Uniform ATM System Upgrading in RF (2009-2015)”
Federal Special-Purpose Program “Generation and implementation of Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS”,
Federal Special-Purpose Program “Federal RF Airspace Surveillance and Monitoring System”,
Federal Special-Purpose Program “Upgrading of Transportation System in RF” subprogram “Civil Aviation”
Development of backup system for “TERKAS” Moscow ATC Automated System — BS “Moscow-Reserve”.
Development and certification of SONAR Ground-Based 1090ES ADS-B Station.
Completion of development and certification procedure for PULSAR ADS-B VDL Mode 4 Airborne Transponder.
Beginning of complexes and systems upgrade according to program “Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum implementation in High Altitude Airspace of RF”.
ATC System for Moscow ATC Centre project launch.

Major product line transfer to Linux Operating System.
ALPHA-5, PLANETA-6, GRANIT-6, MEGAPHONE-3 products have been upgraded and their new versions have been produced.
AMetISt ATIS/VOLMET complex with D-ATIS/D-VOLMET functions has been developed and certified.
Development and certification of HELIOS ADS-B Network Server Switch
Modular buildings of SEGMENT series bulk supplies
VCSS supply for ATC System of Khabarovsk Consolidated ATC Centre.
Development of the first ATC System for Samara Consolidated ATC Centre
VCSS Supply for ATC System of Irkutsk Consolidated ATC Centre.
Start of ATC System project plans preparation for Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen and Yekaterinburg Consolidated ATC Centres.
The company celebrates its anniversary.
More than 350 aviation industry companies, ATC centres and educational institutions have been fitted out over the 25 years period.
Airspace of about 26 000 000 km² and airways of about 5 000 000 km² are controlled by NITA, LLC systems and complexes. More than 5000 projects have been implemented.

ATC Automated System was supplied and commissioned in Krasnoyarsk Consolidated ATC Centre by 2017.
The acceptance testing of ATC System for Moscow Consolidated ATC Centre has been successfully completed.
The 50th KSRP-A ATC system for Air Forces has been supplied.
The first project in the Republic of Kazakhstan is implemented — 9 objects equipping with AMetISt ATIS complex.
Supply of two AMetISt ATIS complexes for SE “Kyrgyzaeronavigatsiya”.
Comprehensive equipment upgrade is performed in all the ATC centres to comply with new horizontal separation standards.
Participation in the 2018 FIFA World Cup Preparation and Conduction Program, including equipping the new largest aviation infrastructure object in the South Federal District — Platov aerodrome.
The test modules for ATC Systems of Samara and Novosibirsk consolidated centres have been developed and successfully commissioned.

In 2018 ATM systems were commissioned in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen Consolidated ATM Centers.
Novosibirsk Consolidated ATM Center of United ATM System equipped with ATM system manufactured by NITA was officially launched in October 2019.
The project of post-warranty maintenance for the equipment installed in the State ATM Corporation was launched and successfully implemented during the first year on the basis of service certificates.
Active equipping of new Towers continues: ATM solution was provided for Saratov ATM center at Tower of the Gagarin airfield.
High demand for the modular solutions has been registered.
Volgograd (Gumrak) and Sarov airfields were equipped with modular container-based runway supervisory units. The project for the delivery of a modular Tower to new airfield of Tobolsk was completed within a short time and to a high quality standard.
The first project to implement a modular complex based on the “Modul AVIA” buildings for the Krasnoselkup airfield was implemented in severe weather and natural conditions.
The project direction is actively developing: the design and cost estimate documentation submitted by the design department was approved by the FAI Glavgosexpertiza of Russia for the following projects:
- “Reconstruction of lighting facilities with low intensity lights at Krainiy airfield (Baikonur cosmodrome)” for the Federal State Unitary Eenterprise Center of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Operation
- “Construction of Tower at Tyumen airport”
A promising direction of constructing mobile runway supervisory units based on Volkswagen Crafter cars has been launched. The first sample of the mobile runway supervisory unit has been delivered to the Central Volga Air Navigation branch, and three more orders from other branches of the State ATM Corporation are in operation.
The company turns 30 years!
30 challenging but productive years! We have managed to reach a high position in the field of development and supply of solutions for the national air navigation industry. We have earned the trust of our major customers and partners. We have gained credence among the world professional community.
More than 80% of the Russian Federation airspace is controlled using systems produced by us
Companies are equipped
Square kilometres are controlled by systems and complexes
Kilometres of airways
Implemented projects