NITA took part in EURASIA Coordination Council meeting

38th meeting of Eurasia Coordination Council took place on 16-17th of April, 2024 in Saint Petersburg attended by national providers of air navigation services of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Also, the representatives of international organizations such as IAC, IATA, and of Russian industry including Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, NITA LLC, Monitor Soft LLC, Azimut JSC, etc. took part in the meeting. This event has become a long-awaited meeting for all its participants because no meetings of the Coordination Council have been held for the last four years.

The main purpose of the EURASIA Coordination Council is to coordinate actions on development of air traffic management operations, regulatory framework, and technical equipment of the national air navigation systems of the Coordination Council members.

On the first and the main day of the meeting the representatives of national air navigation providers of the Eurasia CC members reported on current state of air navigation infrastructure in the countries.

The manufacturers’ representatives made presentations on topical subjects during the meeting. The reports were focused on unmanned aviation, and critical issues of UAV integration to single airspace.

NITA was the only company among the manufacturers to bring up a challenging topic of using artificial intellect (neural nets, in particular) for solving ATM tasks, the presentation on this subject was made by Yury Durmanenko, Chief Officer for Engineering Design and Development.

In the whole the meeting was held in a warm and homely atmosphere. Informal part of the event arranged by the manufacturers’ representatives allowed the participants to meet provider specialists in person to ask questions and outline plans for further cooperation.

Photos provided by FSUE State ATM Corporation